Into the Storm
Storm Henry was in full blast. There was a chance that the Aurora might be showing later in the week so we took our opportunity to drive around the coast in Mayo/Sligo looking for suitable dark spots and the likes. It wasn’t the best day for it what with the wind and the size of some of the waves… Anyway, on our travels we stumbled upon what looked like a pier that was no longer used. Near the pier, I discovered a little waterfall. I’m not sure if it was there because of the weather or if there was a stream leading to it, but I thought it was very pleasing to look at.

Rocky Beach
We went beyond the pier to find a nice rocky little beach. I liked it but didn’t take many photos as it was quite exposed to the wind and there was some spray onto the camera. However, I quite like one of the few images that I took there. The wet rocks contrast nicely with the white of the waves.

Later that evening
It was hard to tell if there was going to be any clear patches that evening. As soon as it was clear, there were clouds blown in and vice versa. I decided to just set up my tripod in the back garden. This way it was easily accessible and I wouldn’t get disappointed if I couldn’t use any of the shots. There was also a nice like of trees either side of the garden to frame the shot.

Heres another one of the shots. As you can see, cloud was on show. They get quite illuminated by the lights from the nearby airport.

I also set up my GoPro Hero 4 Silver in the garden too. While I took my camera in whenever it rained or the clouds were too much, I left the GoPro out for longer. I believe that after the end of the clip the clouds came in and stayed.
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