Barley Field-2

Passing the Field

In Photography by Turlough O'Shea

Sudden Stop

While heading to Mayo a week or two ago, Kathryn mentioned that she had passed a lovely looking field in Claregalway. We decided to keep an eye out for it and if possible, try and get some shots. When we found the location, we pulled in, took our cameras out and started snapping away. I stuck to a narrow depth of field to try and keep the power lines that ran through the field from encroaching on my image. The results can be seen below.

FieldBarley field at sunset – 50mm, f/3.5, ISO 400, 1/150 seconds

Trying Something New

More recently, the last few days actually, I have been messing around with a few apps on my new phone, the OnePlus X. One of these apps is called ‘Tiny Planet FX’ and lets you edit images to look like a small planet. There are several options for you to tweak to get the image to look how you want it! Then there are a few advanced sliders for even more experimenting. I have also heard it referred to stereographic, but that may also refer to optical illusions.

TinyPlanetTiny Planet edit

If you have any like my work or want to see what I’ve been up to, please check out and like/follow my website, my 500px, my Facebook, my Instagram and my Twitter.

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